Hello to all you Candle Loving Friends,
I haven't done a blog post in... well.... hmmm... that's embarrassing! Lets just say a REALLY long time! So today I am going to finally sit down and write one out, and since it's supposed to be snowing anytime now I thought I could give a few RANDOM ideas for beating those winter blues, at home. Hope you all enjoy and find at least 1 idea helpful and enjoyable!
XO~ Kayla
Photo: Middleburg, PA.
This was taken right out our front door.
I've found that just going for a quick walk will do wonders for your productivity and attitude! Something about a change of scenery and the fresh air is amazing! So if your feeling grouchy or moody, go grab your coat, shoes (or boots if you've got snow(: ) and get outside!
Switch up your diet. Try making something new, something cultural. Taste something you don't like. An average person has around 10,000 taste buds and they are replaced about every 2 weeks or so! Who knows, you might just find your new favorite food!
Do at least one thing a day that has been on your to do list for ages! Whether it's cleaning that room, cleaning out that cupboard, or closet, making that meal, making that craft or emptying the dishwasher. I've found that is one way to definitely boost your self worth and beat a negative mind set about yourself.
Send that card of encouragement, say those words of love, give that hug, call your grandma, give that compliment to the random worker at the grocery store, or deliver that cup of coffee or donuts to someone at work. Doing something kind for someone else is a wonderful way to make anyone feel better, and honestly when I do something nice for someone else it makes me feel loved! Maybe I'm just weird...(:
Last of all, listen to something inspiring. Maybe a podcast on something your passionate about. Something to get you enthused! (; And while your listening do something with your hands. Color, knit, cross stich, draw, paint, there are many things to do! One of our favorite winter evening activities, as a family, is listening to a story and coloring in adult coloring books.
6. BONUS (;
One more thing to get rid of the boredom and mundane is ordering a candle from your favorite small shop and then waiting for it to come in the mail (; Lol!
I have to go but I hope you found these ideas entertaining and helpful! Stay HAPPY!!
