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Re-purposing old candle jars: Beach in a Jar

Writer's picture: Crackling Wick Candles Crackling Wick Candles

Y’all I am so excited to share with you Crackling Wick Candles CUTEST candle jar DIY yet! I think that we can all agree that repurposing old candle jars into something unique and beautiful is all part of the fun with homemade candles, and we had so much fun putting this craft together for you!



It’s literally so cute! plus It matches our beach theme bathroom so good! Friends, this repurposed jar is so simple yet so adorable!


What you’ll need:

A Old Crackling Wick Candle 16 oz. clear jar, a jute sting (1 1/2 foot long) A handful of your favorite shells you gathered from the beach on your last vacation, and a bag of sand, (you can find it at hobby lobby, or Michals)

1. clean out your candle jar. You’ll want to follow our tutorial to get your 16 oz. jar as crystal clear as possible. After washing it, make sure it is completely dry before moving on to the next step!


2. Add Your sand to the jar. You just want to line the bottom with a layer that isn’t too thin, but isn’t too deep. you don’t want to bury your shells.


3. Next you'll want to carefully drill a hole in your favorite shell! we used a screw and gently twisted it until it cracked and then Pushed it The rest of the way through! (don't push too hard or the hole will get bigger then you want it)

4. Carefully sting your jute through the hole and bring your shell to the middle of the sting!

5. Now comes the surprisingly tricky part: getting your shells in the jar just right.

You May have to fiddle around with them so they look perfect in the sand, it’s not too hard and so worth it!

6. At this point it’s easy to tie your jute and shell around the jar and tie a nice little bow in the back!


And there you have it, one Super Pinterest

Worthy beach jar! Its so perfect for these quarantine days when we all feel like we need some warm sunshine and sea breeze!

Who else needs this in their life? We’d lI’ve to see you try making one on your own! post a picture and tag us on Instagram


Happy crafting friends!

xo- Corina



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