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Is Christmas a state of mind?

Writer's picture: Crackling Wick Candles Crackling Wick Candles

With the busy Christmas season right around the corner and the hussle and bussle of preperation, of course our minds are naturally focused in that direction, but what is our focus on? Where is MY focus? Is it the decorations, the tree, gifts, getting all the Christmas shopping done, all the cookies I need to bake, the food prep that needs done, the Christmas play we need to go to, That Christmas concert thats coming up, Is our state of mind “HURRY,” or is it of peace, joy, and being present with our mind in every minute without thinking of the next thing on our to do list, Am I taking the time to focus on the people around me, the people that love me the most, my family and close friends? And most importantly am I remembering JESUS, taking the time to worship and recognize Him through all the “busy?” Remembering he is the reason we celebrate, the reason we give and have joy to share with the world!

Take the time to STOP and ponder where YOUR focus is for a minute!

Christmas IS a state of mind, Calvin Coolidge puts it into simple, well understood words:

The spirit of Christmas in all the participants in the first Christmas was praise and thanks and blessing and glory to God. In one word, that is worship.

Worship, to give a brief definition, is a state of mind. It is a spirit, something on the inside. An attitude of the heart so filled with wonder and gratitude at what God has done that there is not a thought of personal needs or personal blessings, only total abandonment to God in praise and adoration.

Christmas = Worship = A State Of Mind

It can become so easy to get caught up in life, give monetarily and forget the true spirit of Christmas. The attitude of Christmas is something we should carry with us all year, not just in December.

There are many ways to worship but our best gift to others, and the best gift we can give to ourselves, is to pay attention, to listen to the voice of God, and to give ourselves to others. The spirit of Christmas is a time to worship Christ through personal abandon, by making time for others and for those in need.

So here’s my goals for this holiday season and I hope you join me:

DONT HURRY: let’s be honest, we do have ALOT to accomplish in the next couple weeks, but as we do all the things, lets take. our. time! And Remember to notice! Notice who needs our attention, notice the hurting and the lonely. Remember, the important things WILL happen in its own time!

GET MY SLEEP: Its important. If we want to fully enjoy this season of life we need to be prepared to give each day our best! here’s some reasons why

CLEAR YOUR HEAD before you fall asleep. I find it helpful to keep a notebook beside my bed and as part of my bedtime, wind-down, routine. Write down what I accomplished today, and my simple to-do list for the next day! Read a chapter from psalms! And relax by thanking Jesus for all His blessing!

DONT MAKE OVERWHELMING TO-DO LIST: I can not stress this enough, honestly it helps to make a simple, smaller to-do list you know you will accomplish. And then having that fulfilled feeling of extra time with your list complete. THEN you can choose to either crank out a new project or sit down with a cup of coffee and relax!

BE PRESENT IN MIND: This one is a hard one for me! Being there in body and in mind! When I make that Aware effort to push the past and future distractions out of my mind and Put effort and Energy into enjoying the present, I always feel content and peaceful! This year I want to learn to enjoy the small things like a hot cup of cocoa with extra marshmallows, and make more of an effort to focus on good conversations with your family, pick up a new book and put all other distractions far from reach!

SLOW DOWN: Heres One thing we need to be super intentional about, stopping and slowing down does not come naturally in our busy, never ending culture! But when we do we will find a blessing In a unhurried life (check out this book)

As Jesus did, find the time of day that you are most alert, and give that time to getting to know Jesus better. write down your thoughts, read your favorite passage, and turn on some worship music!

Some of my favorite ways to intentionally slow down, but still enjoy the holiday cheer are: pop a kettle of popcorn and snuggle up with your fmaily and watch a Christmas movie, read the Christmas story found in Luke 2:1-7 or Matthew 1:18-25, pull out my favorite Christmas books. Christmas candle, or lone star Christmas.

SERVING OTHERS: Always think of others before yourself, this will help you feel the real joy of Christmas! Here are some ideas of ways to serve this holiday season!


I pray that you would have a christmas this year that whispers “Jesus!”

♥️ Corina



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